
You are invited to be our guest at Trinity Lutheran Church. Below you will find some helpful information for your first time visit.

Preparation for the Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper is offered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, as well as on Church festivals. Trinity’s communion policy is that our congregation offers Holy Communion to those individuals who have been instructed in and share our oneness of faith and doctrine.  This includes those who hold membership in a Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod congregation as well as other Lutherans who in appropriate circumstances, come under Trinity’s pastoral care.

Guests who wish to partake of Holy Communion at Trinity are encouraged to contact us ahead of time, as well as to inform their own home pastors of their intention to commune at our altar.

To help prepare for reception of the Lord’s Supper, review the Christian Questions with Their Answers.

Getting here

Trinity is located on Highway 100 in New Haven, MO.


The driveway to the church is shared with the New Haven Care Center.  Parking on Sunday morning is either on the upper lot or lower lot behind the building.

When you arrive

Sunday School begins at 9 a.m. in the church basement with an opening devotion, and then children are dismissed to their classrooms.  Adult Bible Class meets in the conference room that is on the left after entering the main entrance.

Divine Service begins at 10 a.m.  Our members are available to help you to the sanctuary and will provide you with our worship folder.